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After integrating the wallet, the merchant can test it in a separate environment before making it live for customers.

How do customers pay with MaxelPay?

1. On the Merchant’s website, the customer chooses MaxelPay as their preferred payment option.

2. Upon selecting MaxelPay, the customer is redirected to a dedicated pop-up window or a separate page.

3. The customer is redirected to the checkout page and connects to the wallet.

4. Customers select the blockchain and the preferred token.

5. On the MaxelPay pop-up/page, the customer clicks a button labelled "Proceed" to initiate the payment process.

6. After selecting the β€œproceed” button, the crypto wallet pop-up opens up for payment confirmation.

7. After the payment confirmation, the customer is redirected to the main website URL added as an endpoint by the Merchant in the dashboard previously.